It was once said every movie made has the same plot; Boy comes to town, meets girl, saves girl, rides off into the sunset with said girl. Plot might be the same as every movie ever but director Alistor Grierson and Writer Robert Benjamin make this movie their own and very entertaining with that plot. There is a scene in ‘Full Metal Jack’ (1987) with the privates chanting “This is my Rifle. There are many others like it, but this one is mine”. Well, this movie is definitely Alister and Robert’s.
Rex n Rex a vet with mental health issues is just trying to stay out of trouble. But there’s Bad Rex and Worse Rex so an average boring day just trying to get a few errands done turns into the path less taken, for good reason. When trouble has other plans, it’s hard to hide for long. The little sister of fate is all to happily snipping away at the strings in front of her, while her sisters know all too well there are plenty more for her to cut.
The movie starts at a brisk pace, and never slows down. Even in the basement when it’s just Rex, without a leg to stand on not knowing what’s going on, the pace doesn’t feel slow. The viewer is in the same boat with the character unsure why he’s there and what creepy white people things are about to happen.
Ben O’Toole plays the deeply troubled charming bad boy Bruce Campbellish type to a devilish T. Not taking his messed-up life the least bit serious. Meg Fraser plays the sweet and normal Marilyn Muster type dead on, but she isn’t that innocent. By the end of the movie they seem like a good couple, but going to be more than a handful to keep each other’s table manners in check and to Finnish each other jokes.
A horror film with comedic styling of the ‘Evil Dead’ (1981). If someone tries to make a horror movie without being inspired by Ash and his boom stick, I don’t want to see it. This is just a fun movie that deserves a midnight showing. And maybe even a second go around.
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